Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments

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Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments

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Teeth Whitening Treatments & Home Teeth Whitening Kits In Palmyra, NY

Do you wish your teeth were whiter? Are your teeth stained from coffee, wine, berries, and many of your other favorite foods and beverages? If so, our cosmetic dentists can help. Book a professional teeth whitening treatment with us today, or stop by our family dental clinic in Palmyra to pick up a home teeth whitening kit.


Why Choose Palmyra Family Dentistry?

Palmyra’s Top Rated Local® dental clinic

  Friendly cosmetic dentists & dental hygienists

  Quality oral health care for the whole family

  Comprehensive dental services

  A comfortable dental clinic

  Dental insurance accepted

  CareCredit dental financing available

Benefits Of Teeth Whitening Treatments

A bright white smile can make a dramatic impact on your appearance while also boosting your confidence, self-esteem, and self-image. Thanks to recent advancements in dental technology, there are a wide variety of teeth whitening products and procedures available to help you remove tooth stains and improve the look of your smile. These include:

  • Professional teeth whitening treatments
    • At our family dental clinic, we offer professional teeth whitening treatments using teeth whitening gel and a bright, LED teeth whitening light for maximum effectiveness. These in-clinic teeth whitening treatments typically last an hour and are effective at removing stains and tooth discoloration, leaving your teeth several shades whiter after a single appointment.
  • At-home teeth whitening kits
    • There are a variety of teeth whitening products and kits available today, including teeth whitening strips and moldable retainers with teeth whitening gel.

If you would like to improve the color of your smile, ask us which teeth whitening treatment is best for you! We offer the latest in teeth whitening technology at Palmyra Family Dentistry.